Creating a suite of premium signs for a beautiful Fleet Street hotel
Apex Temple Court is a premium four star hotel situated in the City of London, a short 2-minute walk from the Inner Temple and Middle Temple, both historic Inns of Court. It is owned by Apex Hotels; a family-owned collection of ten individually-charactered hotels across some of the UK’s most popular cities.
Adding the finishing touch to a £6 million extension and refurb
After a rigorous tendering process, Apex Hotels contacted JSK Signs to produce the signage for Apex Temple Court after a recent six million pound extension and refurbishment. This involved a 20-bedroom extension, including four deluxe Grand Suites, a new wine bar and private dining rooms – all of which were designed to be beautifully “Instagram-worthy”.
Acrylic, brass and aluminium
As this had been a significant investment for Apex Hotel’s, they were eager to ensure that the signage matched Temple Court’s stunning make-over. In light of this, we worked closely with Apex Temple Court’s management team to produce a suite of signs for its refurbished and extended areas. Working with Apex’s brand identity, and their architect, ISA, we create a series of premium signs in a variety of sizes and materials, specifically high-gloss acrylic, brass and aluminium.